Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Letterpress Inspiration

I have been a very lucky girl and its definately been a case of one man's rubbish is another man's treasure.
My treasure: a printing house being modernized and outsourcing its printing, leaving its entire Letterpress unit full with various sized fonts to rot outside in a shed waiting to be skipped.
But all was not lost, Miss Detail came to the rescue and is going to make it all better.
So anyone out there doing a big clear of anything, there are plenty of means out there of letting people know what you are about to destroy because you never know it could be used to create something very beautiful.
watch this space

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Backdrop ideas for craft display.

 I came across this designer in an article about the Paris Ceramic Festival 2011.
It creates a sense of preciousness about the pieces lying them on a soft surface.
Vintage Printers Type Tray

I also came across the trinket wall display, next year i would really like to incorporate wood into my work as my background is in furniture display. 

i like the use of a vibrant coloured sponge in which the bracelets are placed really makes the pieces stand out.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Merchandising Product Ideas.

Ok Im not moving too far away from Ceramic Products for the moment as i have been living and breathing ceramics for the year. I have meanwhile been building up a collection of display ideas for future exhibiting.

I like the idea of a semi contracting background in which to display, not too load takiang away from product but more of a subtle hue complementing it as shown above with the pink wall. I also love the idea of creating display products to enhance merchandising like the antlers shown above for the jewellery display.

Sometimes its now so boring adding the same colours to highlight a product as show here using black and white. By adding black and white photos and grey backdrop, its highlights the pattrerns of the ceramic wares not distracting the customer but entising.

 I love the simple flotting box display here, using darker woods create an illusion and suggestion about how to display the pieces in your home.
 Love the complementing backdrop colours used in the shelve display

If your product is quirky.... display should reflect that too as shown here with the subtle baroque pattern frame with hooks insides for the cups.

My soul searching inspiration finding mission begins..

Summers here and now i have time to step outside my ceramic bubble and see whats happening outside my college world. I love all things design orientated and believe that inspiration can be drawn from other makers, design diciplines and areas . So let my soul search inspiration finding mission begin.